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LRNG Electronic Badges

LRNG is a platform that provides STEM Scholars with educational and career opportunities to equip them with the skills necessary for success. The STEM Scholars Program uses LRNG to foster independent learning outside school and the after-school program to encourage scholars to find new interests and further their education. Learning is gamified through earning badges and encouraging a competitive vibe; the more badges earned, the more knowledge a STEM Scholar has. An Electronic Badge is awarded when the Scholar proves mastery of the content and activity.

Throughout the six-week of the STEM Scholars program,  scholars have the chance to earn an electronic badge from the LRNG platform upon the completion of each activity’s session. Earning a Session badge includes being on time for the session, active participation, and completion of the activity. Only scholars that join the after-school program have the opportunity to earn a paid summer internship at the Energy Resources Center.  Students who have earned the six LRNG badges from each session will be considered for the summer internship; for a scholar to distinguish themself to earn the summer internship, they have the opportunity to earn more badges through LRNG Energy Resources Center Group.

Ready to start learning? Click here LRNG and follow the steps below to create your account.


Create your LRGN Account Heading link

LRNG Electronic Badge List

Head-Up Display Electronic Badge Heading link


Have you ever wonder how pilots obtain information needed when navigating? The Head-Up Display badge allows you to experience how pilots keep their eyes in the sky while reading information through an Aircraft simulation app.

Ready to have this amazing experience? Click here to go to this badge: Head-Up Display Badge


I learned a lot from the few Badges I’ve earned. Not only do they center around engineering topics, but they inform students of a myriad of topics that they can learn/strengthen.

Freddy Hernandez

I think that they were a very good idea and they should be used more often because it gives kids that element of competition which is a big motivation.

Ella Sharpe